Medical Massage focuses a medical diagnosis and your physician, chiropractor or physical therapist may refer you to aid in resolving a specific condition or ailment. In addition, your insurance may cover some or all of your visits.


Unlike traditional massage, medical massage focuses on a particular medical diagnosis as part of the physician’s treatment plan, and can be recommended for a variety of conditions.

It isn’t a particular style of massage in itself, but our therapist’s will apply a variety of techniques already in practice to achieve client-specific goals.

Medical massage is often eligible for insurance reimbursement programs through many major health insurance providers. Contact your health insurance agent to learn if your therapy will qualify.

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Insurance Covered Massage >

“I've been going to Momentum for several months, and love it. I usually receive deep tissue massage. Kelly is great. Environment is great. Staff is great. I love that this place is also about personal training and exercise.”

— Beth G