Posture Therapy

Your pain exists because your body is out of balance.  It could result from an old injury, hours of sitting behind a desk or the wheel of a car, repetitive-use injuries from exercise or work, or simply a postural dysfunction such as scoliosis. These can knock your body out of perfect alignment, causing pain, sleeping troubles, and physical limitations.  As Certified Egoscue Postural Therapists, we will use our expertise with technology to assess your posture and create a personalized series of exercises that will put your body back into balance, eliminating the dysfunction causing your pain.

We use a series of gentle exercises and stretches to return musculoskeletal balance and symmetry back to your body.  It's no secret that muscles move bones. If your body has lost its designed posture, it's because muscles have moved your bones into a new, dysfunctional position.  Pain is the body's way of alerting you to the fact that your body isn't aligned – and therefore isn't moving properly.  Through postural therapy, your muscles will be re-educated and reminded how they need to function in order to maintain proper alignment.  

 How it Works

Begin your posture therapy with an in-depth assessment.

With the option to opt for an individual session or a multi-session package, your posture therapy begins with an initial 90-minute appointment. During this first meeting, we’ll gather your health history, assess your pain, take posture pictures and begin to provide you with your first menu of corrective exercises.

Put your plan into action.

Once we have designed your custom menu, you will have access to our posture app that you will use to follow your program at home.

From there, we recommend meeting once per week for 8 weeks to assess your progress and change your personalized menu as needed – and can accommodate in-person or digital therapy preferences.

Connect & Correct  

Our Offerings

  • Free Assessment

    Connect with our therapist to receive a free postural assessment and a report of your postural deviations. This will set you up for any custom therapy you’d like to pursue.

  • Single Session

    Sign up for a single session to receive a personalized exercise menu and instruction on how to use it, and access your daily self-led program via our convenient app.

  • 8 Session Package

    For maximum results, enjoy the assessment, menu, and app-access of the single session, with continued support and real-time correction over the course of 7 weeks.

  • Digital Therapy

    Digital therapy brings Egoscue to you. Connect with your therapist remotely. Digital Therapy mirrors our in-clinica approach, all you need is a computer and internet.


  • When your trapped in a chronic cycle of pain, it seems like you'll never feel better and be able to live the life you want - especially if you've tried other therapies that have only worked temporarily or not at all. It's time to focus on the source of your pain. Egoscue corrects the postural issues that are at the root of your ongoing pain.

  • Postural therapy combines our therapists' expertise with technology to assess your posture and create a personalized menu of exercises, using a convenient app for easy at-home compliance, that will put your body back into balance, eliminating the dysfunction that is causing you pain.

  • Postural Therapy has the potential to help with: * back pain * Shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain * Hip pain * Migraines * Knee pain * Plantar fasciitis * Ankle pain * Jaw pain